
ISO Creation From Command Line

Published on 10 August, 2023 by amj

Create a CDROM ISO from a directory on a hard drive: $ mkisofs -J -r -o [output.iso] [directory to be burned]
Get some info about a CD-ROM: $ isoinfo -d -i /dev/sr0
Create an ISO using info from isoinfo: $ dd if=/dev/sr0 bs=blocksize count=[Volume size from above command] of=/path/to/isoimage.iso
Get some information about an ISO image: $ isoinfo -d -i /apps/images/wxpvol_en.iso
Another way to copy a DVD: dvdbackup -M
genisoimage -dvd-video -udf -o movie.iso /path/to/files

Create a CDROM ISO from a directory on a hard drive: mkisofs -J -r -o [OUTPUT.ISO] [DIRECTORY TO BE BURNED]